So I've been experimenting with GIMP on my Ubuntu laptop as I no longer have access to any Photoshop software. I'm getting used to it and have made the following t-shirt designs that I intend to print and sell at the Hackspace (should anyone wish to buy them).
One is based on a t-shirt I see Adam Savage wearing on Mythbusters that reads
"Hacking is not a crime"
which seems appropriate for Hackspace. I've
shoved a load of noun-project symbols above the text. I like the symbols but the t-shirt would work just as well with fewer or non-at-all.
The noun project is an intere
sting web page that got it's funding on Kick Starter. I'll do this t-shirt in any colour btw.
The other t-shirt is a little more simple and is based on our Hackspace rule zero (robbed off London Hackspace)
Man on fire is a running man symbol from noun project with a fire design of my own. again will be avilable in any colours wanted.
There will be a how to screen print t-shirts on the cheap workshop at Nottingham Hackspace this summer!